Officially an MBE Certified Staffing Agency

NSMDC MBE Certified Logo
Logo for MBE Certification

OK so I’ve been busy doing things and that is why I haven’t posted anything in awhile. But I am glad that I have a legit reason to post because I was just approved for the NMSDC MBC Certification! I was a little worried because there was a panel that votes and those don’t go over well for me usually so I just kept holding that candle and it worked!

So in true me fashion, I was focused so much on just getting the certification I failed to look past what the next steps are to put this to use. While I know the big picture obviously, but I have been a recruiter and less focused on business development but I get the feeling that I will have to do something like this:

  • Email Randoms with that logo
  • Schedule Lunches
  • Schedule Happy Hours
  • Networking Events and Socials
  • Happy Face in Public
  • Send Emails

This was probably one of the things that worried me about going out on my own. I haven’t really HAD to sell so I never bothered and so now I am going to have to leave my comfort zone and start talking to people. That means I have to maybe own a pair of jeans and get haircuts more frequently.

I’m doomed.

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