Applying For The MBE Certification

“Nobody has Ever Done it Right the First Time”

That’s what was told to us when we had our introductory Zoom call. And after I have most of my stuff, NO SHIT. So I signed up on the regional website all excited. This was like, the first step I have done towards long-term marketing/networking for my company. So after I press send I cracked a slight smile, a Dr. Pepper and went on without my day.

Couple of days go by and I don’t hear anything so I reach out to the administrator asking for an update. In addition to stating that I only paid yesterday and calling me “sir,” he said that it would be reviewed next week. OK well, maybe he is pessimistic with his timelines, lord knows I am. By the next Friday comes around, I am about ready to call out our friend but decide to just give it more time before I respond with a snarky email but the MONDAY after, I get a response.

Now, I’m a small business and I am on my own, and the laundry list of items they are requiring are pretty astronomical and are downright silly for a sole proprietorship. Just a sample of things I had to send them:

  • Minutes of my first and last meeting – I don’t have meetings with myself so this literally is busy work
  • A certificate I had to make up stating that I was 100% owner of the company
  • Ledger about shares of the company – I don’t even know what that was about but I just copy/pasted something I googled

There was one certificate that I have zero idea what it is – “Certificate of Filing.” I literally have no idea and when I asked for further information I never got a response.

So I sent that stuff a couple of days ago and I followed up this morning with an update and got nothing. After trips to the Bank, and then to the UPS store to get a notarized signature and now going back and forth with this person, it has not been a pleasant experience.

The person who is supposed to be assisting me has not been friendly, helpful, or prompt. The only time he has been prompt is when he called me out for stating that I filled out the forms a couple of days ago and haven’t heard anything. He snarkly responded with “actually, it was yesterday, when you paid, sir.”

Someone is getting coal in their stocking for SURE.

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