Business Cards – Still A Thing?

Now I don’t want to say that the pandemic is over (knock on wood), you have to admit that things seemed to have quieted down on that front. I still see the occasional mask on an Uber driver or child at the bus stop, but the reports of flooded hospital rooms and incessant blabbing of “the jab” are no longer front page news. So now that we are creeping towards the “new normal,” it was only a matter of time before this subject came up.

Before the pandemic, I was a recruiter working for an agency that had the standard structure: Recruiters, Account Managers, Business Development, etc. That was my comfort zone – As a recruiter I can talk on the phone all day with anyone, and every conversation had a purpose. These calls were done at home in pajamas and in the same shirt I had on 3 days in a row. Having only the recruitment thing to do I never had to worry about putting on a tie, or making sure the car was clean so I could pick up clients and take them to lunch to talk business or whatever. I was absolutely OK with that, because while I am an excellent recruiter, I am lousy at the whole sales small talk networking thing and I honestly can’t think of anything more terrible than having to dress up to make small mindless chit chat with important business types trying not to stumble over words while you try to compete with the cute blonde 25 year old…. yeah….

I wasn’t totally naive when I decided to launch Red Volution. I knew that I would have to eventually buy pants and maybe some new clip-on ties. I totally understand that networking and sales is critical for any company to succeed, and that was something that I knew was going to be my Achilles heel. So now I have some events scheduled and I’m already running scenarios through my head and psyching myself out even more, I came across this question.

Do I Need Business Cards?

Oh – I’m just tinkering with the WordPress options and did this

So I tend to fixate on things and this whole evening I have been thinking to myself, why do I even need these? Are people going to look down on me for “wasting trees?” Are people write me off as being unprepared by not having any if they ask? If I do get them, and then there is some tool or app that I don’t know about, will that just make me look silly? Am I making a big deal out of this? Probably. But if I make a big deal out of this, then it takes my mind off of the whole social gathering anxiety thing. I’m way ahead of my time.

But in all seriousness, I hate carrying things. I have my wallet, keys and phone – the trifecta. My wallet is one of those small ones that holds no cash and maybe 3 cards and my license. The thought of loading my pockets with even. more things just makes me annoyed, but whatever. But do I need to have them? I started poking around on various websites and stuff and ugh – so many options. I don’t even care.

So I have some in a cart on Vistaprint or somewhere, but now I’m overthinking the gloss, color, QR Code? What to put on front? Back? Rounded edges? I guess we’ll have to see..

I should probably double the therapy sessions next week, right?

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