This Is it!

I think I first must preface this with I never claimed to be a writer, nor do I have any interest in writing. As I embark on one of the biggest decisions of my life, I thought that it would be kind of a fun thing to document and share my experiences with whoever may want to hear. I think my story can be seen as a success up to this point, all things considered. Seeing where I’ve come from is important to see where I am going. Over the past year I purchased my first home, adopted my first (why did I type first, he’s my one and only and wants it that way) dog and made the decision to start work for myself in the wonderful world of recruiting.

I have sat here and thought about how I am going to go about doing this. After being on Twitter for about

 10 years, I’ve amassed a total of 200 followers — that’s pretty impressive for me, mind you. This crazy world we live in is now forces us to focus on likes, retweets, shares, etc. We seem to measure ourselves on the people who acknowledge us, for better or worse. The thing is, you have to be one of the following: a) attractive b) have attractive friends c) be famous or well-known or d) have a message that resonates with a certain group of people and engage, engage and engage.

Admittedly, I am none of those things so that sets me back a bit. Perhaps I am way over my head, but at the end of the day, I have no interest in becoming who I am not or pretend to be something that I would regret. I lived through middle and high school and I have no interest conforming or being part of the popular group. I did start this blog with my company, Red Volution, in mind so while there will certainly be a focus on all things related to staffing, I don’t want to leave out my dog Starsky, or any of my hidden talents.

So I’ve spent a whole hour writing this and I have a whopping 3 paragraphs. Writing sucks. In my defense, I had to start somewhere and I guess I just set the bar really low.

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